Every year, about this time, Christmas Carols are piped through the airwaves all across America.  Yet sometimes, I wonder how many of those words contained in these heartwarming songs, do we truly understand.

Hark, the Herald Angels Sing ..

To HARK meant to LISTEN UP or to PAY ATTENTION.  Those who would turn their attentions and listen were about to hear something of great importance!

A HERALD was an ambassador, a forerunner or a liaison who would go ahead and prepare the way.  John the Baptist and the angelic host certainly HERALDED the Good News of Jesus coming as a newborn babe into His earthly ministry.

But, now.

You and I, as children of God, are also called ambassadors, forerunners, liaisons.  We are to call to those who need be to awakened to the Great News that Jesus has not only come into the world to save them, BUT that He is coming again.    Never allow the Truth of this to become dull to your hearing.

Don’t wait for someone else.  Be your ‘town crier’.

Because people need Jesus, more than they need Christmas.